51 Cute Drawing Ideas

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Have time and looking for a bit of drawing information? You’ve come to the right post–here I have cute easy drawing ideas for your sketchpads or daily inspiration.

The images are simple enough for beginners to veteran drawers looking for something more fun and light to create. Along with the simplicity, the ability to add or subtract here is pretty simple!

These 51 ideas are easily implementable into a fully created scene or take bits from the image to make a whole new creation.

These would make great art for anyone who loves the cutesy spirit or a sweet homemade card.

If you’re interested in the tools I used to create these easy and cute designs, look no further.

cute doodle drawing ideas

For the markers, these are great, pencils are from this pack, this pen, and if you’re interested in using watercolors instead, this is a great pack or this one.

This ruler for my straight lines, this eraser for any mistakes or un needed lines, these skinny markers for finer areas, and this easel for keeping everything secure while drawing.

If you have a younger artist trying their hand at these.

These markers are washable, these are a great pencil pack for young artists, this pen is also great for newer drawers, and this watercolor pen cuts down on a lot of mess.

With all of that covered, on to the drawing ideas! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did creating them.

1. Too Cool for School Penguin

too cool for school penguin

To begin, an easy black-and-white subject. This penguin, though, is no ordinary penguin–with the addition of sunglasses and a hat, it’s transformed into one cool Arctic bird.

Here are a couple of variations to consider: keep the cool factor and stick with black and white or add some pops of color as you see fit.

Or, change the expression to add some personalization to your penguin.

2. Goodnight Crescent Moon

goodnight crescent moon

Even the moon needs a break! When the sun is up, this is exactly what the moon may be doing–either way–it’s a fun way to imagine it.

Copy mine as is or pick your favorite phase in the moon cycle to recreate–just make sure to adjust the hat if you try different phases.

A watercolor version, I think, would be a beautiful addition to a baby or child’s room.

3. Bunny Blowing Bubbles

bunny blowing bubbles

Can you think of a sweeter image? I don’t know if I can–both are relatively easy components to draw and, as I said, completely adorable together.

Change the scene’s angle–or the ears’ height to vary the cuteness levels, and add some color to the bubbles for even more fun.

4. Cats and Ice Cream

cats and ice cream

Heading even further into the idea of this post, this image of a cat resting atop a double scoop of ice cream is almost too much. What may be even cuter is having two cats stacked on top of this cone.

So simplistic, but the sweetness is so abundant! Make the scoops reflect your favorite flavors or the cats resemble your favorite cats you know or don’t know.

5. Scaredy Ghost

scared ghost

Just like the moon taking a rest, some ghosts probably get scared–or I’d like to think so. Simple as it gets–the emotions and little extra details present the rest of the scene.

This idea is perfect for adding more contextual elements to fill out this idea and image.

Have some ghost friends behind a wall waiting for the lone ghost to get frightened or whatever silly composition floats your boat.

6. Sweet Bee

sweet bee

A natural fun idea–bees and honey–the creative cuteness of it carrying the honey stirrer personifies everything while eliciting a small smile from its audience.

Fill the picture with a few bee friends or a honey pot in the foreground.

7. Love Letter

love letter

I’m not sure about everyone else, but I love getting a handwritten letter for me–this image pretty much sums up the feeling of receiving that letter—an actual love letter, too, even cuter.

If you’re not into the hearts, try another simple shape or seasonal item (think pumpkins or pine trees) coming out of the letter for a fun twist.

The trick here to get is the spacial and sizing element of the content–by doing so, the better the result.

8. Parade of Pooches

dog illustrations

You either love a dog or don’t, but more often than not, it’s the former, so why not doodle some poodles and their friends?

An even number by an even number of dogs, I think, works best for this sort of composition.

I love a minimalist iteration for something like animals or simplistic standalone subjects (flowers, balloons, comic book heroes).

There’s a crispness to the image that emphasizes the sweetness of their faces and makes it easier to digest the many items on the page.

9. Fly By with a Smile

plane illustration

You don’t see airplanes with tailing messages as much as you used to, and I kind of miss it, so I decided to create one for this post.

The airplane can get tricky, so draw a simpler one like mine or get more detailed if you’re comfortable.

And, of course, “Smile” is always a great message but feel free to personalize the word getting presented to the world.

Make it one word or a whole sentence–just make sure you plan to get the spacing a lotted so it doesn’t get cramped on the side of the page.

10. Out-Of-This-World Planetary Fun

planetary illustrations

Thinking about objects that don’t normally have any social functioning abilities in situations doing so, I think, is so much fun–just like these planetary partiers.

Add some more stars or spacecraft to really get this shindig going.

Start in pencil and with items in the background like the larger planets first. That way, the smaller planets can be placed strategically to fill in the gaps so the party looks fun.

11. Rockin’ Fun

mushroom illustrations

Again, just like the party planets, these rocks got a little more life to create this sweet little scene.

This idea came from the stacking rocks that are just so zen–it was fun to flip the idea on its head while still making it simple so the rocks get highlighted.

Add a bit of nature to the scene, with a river rolling or a serene lake to enliven the stones even more so.

For a way to infuse more color–make each rock a little bit more exciting and the overall image more dynamic.

12. Friendly Ghosts

friendly ghosts

Of course, I had to have both the scared ghost and friendly ghost make the list. Casper, the original friendly ghost, the sweetest, not-real ghost of them all, anyone?

Keep it simple, or add a fun spooky scene around the duo to get maximum cuteness. A simple row or particularly placed pumpkins can punch up this best friend’s hangout.

Bats or any other Halloween paraphernalia will do well here.

13. Emoting Raindrops


Like the other natural, non-emoting, partying elements, raindrops are a cute and easy idea to draw and enhance.

I gave them pretty wholesome and sweet emotions, but the image can entirely change based on the feelings of these droplets.

A fun take, give each drop a completely different emotion from the last for a bubbly and dynamic picture.

Another idea, make these sweat droplets coming off of someone in a specific situation and draw the sweat beads’ emotions accordingly.

14. Hide and Seek Rabbit

hide and seek rabbit

No magicians here and certainly no top hats for rabbits to get pulled out of. Perhaps this rabbit escaped from a magician and is hiding out in this box until further notice.

Either way, it’s a cute little scene completed within minutes. If the box bores you, swap it for another item for the bunny rabbit to hide in or behind.

15. Cute Little Cake

cute little cake

We all know a cute little cake had to make the list! I kept it small–that way, it’s easier to practice the proportions of everything.

Feel free to play around with the size; smaller will be easier to start if you’re newer.

16. Mount Emotion

mountains of emotion

A mountain view never disappoints–even a cute one like this! Play around with the mountain range’s size and amount of peaks in the scene.

Add a little rolling river from the mountain base or some small trees in the foreground to create a whole scene.

17. Beary Much in Love

bear in love

This idea is very reminiscent of Care Bears and shows a sweeter side of bears instead of their real-life counterpart’s actions.

Play around with the size of the heart for the bear to hug and resize the bear accordingly if need be.

18. A Different Kind of Fishbowl

fish in a glass

You’ve never seen a fishbowl like this! Try a little fishy friend in a wine glass, or pick an object you choose.

19. Special Delivery

special delivery illustration

Everyone loves a special delivery. To make it a little extra cute, I’m taking a note from storybooks and giving it a little extra magic touch.

20. Fresh and Clean Tooth

tooth illustration

Nothing like getting teeth pearly white! This little tooth is fresh and clean and so easy to recreate.

Change up the expression, add a toothpaste tube, or change the size or color of the toothbrush to your liking. 

21. Snack Time

snack time

Nothing is better than snack time–swap out the donut with your favorite snack item and any box or bag in the foreground. Change up the hair or any other attributes to create your little snacker.

22. Sending Love Your Way

sending love your way

I think this idea would make for a super cute homemade card to send to a long-distance friend or family member. Make the hearts different colors or sizes to make them more fun!

23. A Perfect Pair

cupcake and cherry pair

PB and J, mac and cheese, and of course, cupcakes and cherries–or anything you see as better together. Make sure you grab a ruler for this image to square up the text and images. 

24. Dreaming Big

dreaming bunny

A fun idea to doodle is a sweet little animal having its inner thoughts. I’ve decided to go with a bunny thinking about its favorite snack–carrots.

Keep it simple, or make a scene of animals with their inner monologues.

25. Newborn Best Friends

new born best friends

The dream to have a best friend as early as possible–these cuties have achieved just that. Change the coloring of the swaddles or any baby accessories to create your baby’s best friends.

26. Deep Sea Diving Octopus

diving octopus

A fun reimagining of a deep sea creature–this fun octopus is taking a deep dive into the water. Add some fish or maybe a submarine floating on by.

27. Growing Through It

flower and cloud illustration

At first, it seems this is a bit of a sad or depressing picture, but note the smiling expressions. The flower is bigger than the pot–it elicits that the flower has grown successfully.

28. Festive Bird Display


Another prime example of a great wall print or homemade card! Keep it like this, or repeat the pattern to make the piece more exciting.

These easy tree drawing ideas would add a little something to this drawing.

29. Making Love Grow

making love grow

Simply letting love grow elicits a sweet and wholesome picture so easy anyone can draw. Add a few big hearts, many little ones, or another simple shape or image pouring out of the watering can.

Add a garden, a few people falling in love, or any other scene that needs a little love.

30. H is for Hippopatumus

H for Hippopotumus

This idea could be the inspiration for an ABC image created by you! Or just a fun small project for a child with a name that begins with the letter H.

If you’re expanding the idea, write out what all the letters stand for first and then get to it.

31. Orange You Glad to See Me?

orange and bunnies

At this point, I hope everyone knows that awful old joke of, “Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?”. It’s a bit of a nod to the old joke, but it was also helpful that an orange slice isn’t too hard to draw.

32. What’s Up, Spud?

whats up Spud

A cool, fun potato–odd but kind of fun and certainly an easy idea to recreate! I went for some masculine features but feel free to play around with how your spud looks.

33. For a Sunny Occasion

sun illustrations

I love these cute and pretty suns; they are a prime subject for gifting someone.

The longest part of these suns are the rays coming off them–make sure to start in pencil and with a ruler and circumference.

34. Giraffe and Ice Cream

giraffe and ice cream illustrations

Probably one of my favorites on the list–it doesn’t get much cuter than this–a giraffe with the ultimate amount of scoops without toppling over.

I chose to stick to a cute color palate that I enjoyed, but feel free to play around with color–all the same, different, or something like mine!

35. Floral Wreath with Ladybug

floral wreath with lady bug

These wreaths have recently become more popular and adorable, but I wanted to add a special sweet touch. What better way to do so than with a tiny little ladybug?

Add any cute little addition to make these wreaths special.

You might also like these easy mushroom drawing ideas.

36. Cold Weather Chills

cold weather

Seasonally, the snow never looks this cute, except maybe the first time it snows or during a holiday, but beyond that, yuck!

To avoid the slush aftermath of snow, drawing it from flakes is the cutest way to illustrate it.

37. Lucky Clovers

lucky clovers

We love a little clover in this household–what’s cuter than the thought of a four-leaf clover finding a three-leaf one? Not much, in my opinion, other than each other wishing the other good luck!

Make a surrounding field or add another field like friends–a field mouse, a butterfly, etc.- to illustrate the cuteness here.

38. Festive Polar Bear Cub

festive polar bear

A bit like the classic Coca-Cola holiday bears in the classic commercial. If you want to go all the way–draw in this little cub a thing of cola to complete the holiday magic.

39. Egg-cellent Day Ahead

egg-cellent day

Cracking eggs can always be a gamble–broken shell bits, broken yolk, or whatever else may happen, who knows what’s possible.

Cut out the uncertainty by drawing a happy little egg that’s having an eggcellent day to ensure the best outcome, and good luck with the real deal in the meantime.

40. Sunflower Rising Over the Horizon

sunflower rising over horizon

What’s happier than a sunflower–not much else comes to mind. The only way to make a sunflower brighter is to have it peeking over a wall!

Grab a ruler to make a wall of sorts, and then create your sunflower at any height of growth you choose as long as it’s peaking above the fence line.

This is one of the cutest aesthetic drawing ideas for journals!

41. One Cool Cat on the Boardwalk

cool cat

This cool cat is in a beachy-themed town with his sun hat, shades, and swimsuit.

Place your cat in any geographical location you’d like–a mountain, desert, etc. and dress him accordingly but do not forget the coolest accessories for this hip feline.

These other cute cat drawing ideas are sure to give you inspiration.

42. On Cloud Dog

on cloud dog

Whether you’re a cat or dog or a third domesticated pet person, you can’t deny that this dog is having a grand time on cloud nine. If you prefer a breed–switch up the pup accordingly.

43. A School of Fish

school of fish

A classically animated and colorful scene, a school of fish is as easy or complex looking as you make it!

A la Finding Nemo, include any underwater creature that pleases you–baby squid, turtle, or even shark–make the school entirely you’re own.

Add a sea reef background or a water line above their heads to complete the picture.

44. Cat in a Bottle

cat in a bottle

A real surprise would be, instead of a genie in a bottle finding a cat in a bottle!

Easy lines create the fully imagined idea–the trick is–to make sure to give the cat, or animal of your choosing, enough space to exist.

Better yet, draw the cat first and then the bottle around the animal. This idea could fall into a handful of scenes or places–get creative with your little feline friend.

45. Cloudy Day Ahead


Weather, simplified, is, thankfully, a pretty easy subject to draw whatever the choice of temporal subject you choose.

Here, I’d like to think this is a scene of clouds deciding to make the day a little cloudier than it had been previously.

Customize your cloudy day by season or even time to play around with the possibilities.

46. Cow-a-Bunga Beach Day

beach cow

My other absolute favorite drawing is this sweet little sow getting her day in the sun! Complete with her beach ball–this babe is ready for some fun.

Add some other friends on the beach, a sandcastle, and of course, water to illustrate a fully formed beach day. Don’t forget the sunscreen and beach towels, either!

47. Burning Bright Together

candle illustrations

These cozy little candles feel familial and so completely wholesome I had to add them to the list. The duo is so easy to scale to any specific parameters to join any scene or stand alone as they are here.

I imagine these two in a cozy autumnal or winter scene, providing light for someone reading, writing, or studying. Add more duos, triples, or even quadrouples to make it all cozier.

48. Happy Panda

happy panda

There’s nothing more naturally cute than a sweet and cuddly panda bear. Of course, it’s a nice image, these sweet panda bears, compared to their real-life counterparts’ potential realities.

I only have a solo one on the line, but I think it’d be great fun to add a whole line of pandas, all with different expressions, doing or holding cute items.

Any items would be great, but fun snacks, toys, or books would be great ideas.

49. Love-ly to See You

plant pot with hearts

Keep this a standalone idea or add it to the “Let love grow” watering can’s foreground for an ultimately lovely picture.

Another array of simple subjects to create a fun-loving picture–draw the hearts first, followed by the stems and pot for the proportions to play out right.

Change up the minimalist shape of the hearts, too, if hearts aren’t your thing. A series of offset squares layered on top of one another may be a fun interpretation of this idea.

50. Flower Garden Blooms

flower garden blooms

Absolutely the one idea that is the most fun to draw and create with each bloom. Grab your ruler to make a straight line for the garden bed, then mark the spaces between each.

If you’d like to add color, perhaps, if your artist is younger, enlarge each flower to ease filling in all of the details once finished illustrating.

51. Pig Ready for Flight

pig ready for flight

Last but certainly not least, the pig with the wings.

Of course, we’ve all heard the saying, when pigs fly, and who knows if that’ll happen in real life, but it was certainly fun creating one on the page for my personal enjoyment.

After completing this image, I returned to this illustration and added a few more friends with a handful of fun and different expressions.

Make this your own or any of the previous ones, and enjoy the easiness and cuteness of it all!

These genius drawing hacks are sure to get you inspired!

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